Thursday, December 22, 2011

December ( and my break) are almost over.

So today I realized that it is the 22nd of december which means a) there are 3 days left till Christmas and b) 17 days left of my break. As I think about this I wonder where the crap did my break go?!? Oh yes thats right I spent 2 weeks of it sicker than a dog ( I'd say I'm feeling about 99% now) and pretty much a week of it doing orientation for an extern position ( now I'm wondering what I got myself into). This aggervates me because I've gotten none of my "to-do" projects done.

On to a better note last night was our anniversery and we had a wonderful dinner and went to see a great movie. I am extremely lucky to have married such a great guy. But that is about it for now off to hopefully start a project although I know it will not get done.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This virus sucked the life out of me...

So after hoping and promising to update more here I am. So this virus that is going around is horrble. After 9 days of feeling miserable (which by the way I still don't feel the greatest) I think I'm on the mend. During this 9 days we made a trip to the urgent care where they decided I needed fluids. Which would have been all fine and dandy except that I was so dry my veins were near impossible to hit. It took 2 sticks in 2 completely different locations for them to get the IV in. Well two days later and I'm feeling worse we make a trip to the ED (emergency department for non-medical personal) with the fear of appendicitis. Well thankfully my appendix was fine, but my bowels had officially shut down I was so sick which leads to an overnight stay to rest them. And by rest they pretty much mean starve you to death and give you lots of IV fluids. During this stay my IV was relocated 3 times ( I was still really dry), I took 4 bags of fluid, and 2 heparin shots (which the hurt worse than the stick and leave a nasty bruise). But in the long run I got a new look at the kind of nurse I want to be.

Now on to other life. I passed my HESI yay!!! My first semester of nursing school is over. I have come to the conclusion that it isn't the material that is hard but the change in lifestyle. That change being you have no life at all.  And on another good note I got an extern position which I start next week. That is all for now hopefully I'll see everyone in a day or two with an update.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Almost done...

After a long 16 weeks I have a test tomorrow and I'm done for a month thank goodness. I'm excited to be able to spend a whole month with ling buittle man, he is growing so much. As I was searching for a few things on the internet today (yes I should be studying) I found this and it really made me feel much better about tomorrow:

Lord: I know we go through this every day but please give me the knowledge as to why I actually wanted to go to nursing school. Lord, give me the strength to make it through those boring three hour lectures without falling asleep. Lord, please give me the patience to make it through twelve hour clinicals with instructors that can't just give you the right answer and on the same note, give the nurses the ability to remember what it was like to be a student and give us just a little more respect. Lord, give me the endurance to read all the assigned readings and be able to remember it when I am taking a test with four right answers. Lord, give my family and friends the ability to realize I really am on the edge of insanity. Finally, Lord, give me the vision to see that one day I will be a real nurse and I will never have to wear this ugly uniform again.

I don't know who wrote it but here is a big Thank you.

Also while being a bad student I managed to get 2 fabric storage boxes done and a start on my throw pillows. If they turn out all right I will be making plenty more for the living room. This weekend I have also gotten little man's newborn shadow box done. There is a list of stuff I want to get done. The good news is I hope to update more now that little man is getting older and entertaining himself. Here are some pictures of what I got done:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

4 months and many other things...

So on Tuesday we had our 4 month shots, which he did awsome with them. he is now weight in at 15 pounds and 25 inches long, I can't believe how much he is growing. He is also teething so it has been an adventure of not wanting to eat and not sleeping. Fun times! We have also started solid another big YAY!. I am making my own baby food which has been amazingly easy and less time consuming than expectd. Altough I'm trying to decide if I want to get a food maker or just pull out the entire kitchen every time.

On another note I'm very excited about the fact that in 4 weeks school will be out for 4 weeks and I get to spend the whole time with my little man.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So its been a few days (weeks) and a lot has happened. Now we have officially taken 3 test, and I hate the fact that we have to wait a week to find out grades. But on a good note we've started drug calculations and they aren't as hard as everyone makes them out to be ( thank goodness).

So enough about school now on to little man. We had his two month shots last week and he took them like a champ and he is growing so much. We also had pictures taken and I don't care what you do he can be all smiles and giggles and as soon as the camera comes out he stops. SO thats about it for now on to do some homework

Friday, August 26, 2011


Aww the joys of housekeeping ( and no I'm not just talking about cleaning you home, although that is important also).  For any student you know that housekeeping also include getting everything together and done for your classes. So far today I have gotten my Hep B booster ( I hate getting shots), ordered my shoes for clinicals (way do nursing shoes have to be so ugly that they are cute) which was a very hard to make up my mind as to which ones I wanted, and ordered my stethoscopes ( yes I ordered 3, I'm an over achiever what can I say). It still seems that there are a million more little things to do before September 15th (first day of clinicals).

As for everyday life things are great. Little man seems to be doing better so we are switching his formula back ( I think that he is getting to much air with his bottles since he is super gassy). We will probably be trying new bottles after a few days of formula switch. And gas drops have been a life saver these past few days.

On another note I got into jeans that I wasn't able to get into pre-pregnancy a big wohoo for me!. So that is it for now I've got a million things to do today!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

2nd week down...

So today started out with me almost hitting a deer on the was to school oh so much fun. We got our first tests back today and thank goodness I aced it!! one down 9 more to go. From there the day went down hill fast. I get a call that Little Man has a major rash, so I called and got our second opinion appointment moved up. So this doctor says Little Man doesn't have an allergy to milk or reflux just to try a different brand and back off on the baths. He also suggested a different bottle. So I am glad we don't have to give him medicine and hope that the rash goes/stays away with not bathing him everyday, which is a little sad because he loves bath time.

So Time to start studying for test 2 on Monday and hopefully get mentally prepared  for week 3. Maybe after next week I won't be so tired at the end of the week.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

7 week old baby and 2nd week of nursing school

So the first week was a killer week. School in and of itself was exhausting and add on to that a baby who either has reflux or  a food allergy and it was horrible. But the first week went great and so did the first test. The second week is going just as well.

Now on to the baby. First he is growing like a weed. Friday his stats were 10 lbs 11 oz and 22 1/4 inches long. Now that we have started zantac hopefully the spit up will stop. Most evenings he sits in my lap wile I'm studying and doing what needs done for school. Also on a good note I was able to put him in the Moby and get some house work done yay!!!

So for now that is all I have hopefully be back with more good news